Copyright Sadia Reza

The World was Falling

Last night I woke to the sound

Of disaster and beauty, amalgamated in one

I looked out the window

And saw that the world was falling

The world was falling

In a rush of adrenaline never experienced

By any human being in existence

In a speed not of light, but of a thing

Never discovered by humanity

The world was falling

Soaring through the galaxies and the stars

Past the heavens and the earth

And all that anyone and everyone had ever believed in

The world was falling

Into space and infinity

Into eternity

The world was falling

And I was the only witness

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About Me

Contemplations in sociology, literature, theology, science, physics, sci-fi.

Educator at CUNY: English Literature, Writing, Sociology. NYC Bengali Muslim.

My academic work examines inequality & hierarchical constructions of modernity, time, capitalism, and technology – particularly in how they inform educational institutions and cultural knowledges.

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